Vaccination Time

Posted on 13 April Tuesday, 2021

Last year this time - we are slowly getting to know about Covid 19- long journey of more than one year. We have learned a lot about the virus - although at the cost of many precious lives. Most of the treatment protocol is standardised . Now we are hearing about second wave happening in many countries.

Many countries started the work on vaccine around that starting time of pandemic - now we have few of them approved by different bodies- like Pfizer , Moderna, Oxford[Indian name  Covishield], Covaxin , Sputnik 5 to name a few vaccines .

In India we started our largest vaccine drive in the world on 16 January 2021 . Majority of the people are still not convinced about vaccination and safety . Let me say -this is our best shot to develop herd immunity and save the world from this deadly virus.